Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Counting Blessings

Count your blessings name them one by one......

I was going to post something completely different this week, and I actually wrote what I was going to post about 2 weeks ago, but just did not feel it was time to post it yet. Not certain why…but am certain that it is a God thing :0)

We all experience set backs or have things take place in our lives that we just don’t understand. We also are all human and have human responses, so questioning and anger are natural and acceptable responses. It is what you do with that anger and questioning that really matters! Do you go in a shell and hide, do you over eat, do you stop working out altogether, or do you do what you can to help yourself out? I encourage you to do what I do when I need a lift out of the mire, when I am in a bad place…..I count my blessing!!! Blessing counting allows me to think about positive things, giving me less time to focus on the negative things that might be happening!!

Blessing number one:  That my entire family is so supportive of my fitness journey. It is not just their support that I am blessed with, but their understanding, that for me…it is not about being skinny. My journey is about being comfortable with who I am (in my skin) and becoming healthy and fit. If that means that I lose pounds in the process, then so be it!! But it is not the sole reason for my journey!

Blessing number two: That my brother cared enough about me to encourage me to start running. And that he continues to check up on me and to give me great tips on how to improve my eating habits and workouts. P.s….. I love to go eat with him because he makes good choices, which pushes me to do the same!! Thanks Brudder!! AND that my sis-in-law has been able to run / train with me...whether she knows it or not, she encourages me to train harder!! Thanks Shell-Shell...you will be back at it before you know it!!!

Blessing number three: That a person from my past encouraged me to “talk” about my journey in a blog ( thanks Robert!!). It not only gives me an avenue to journal my journey, but allows me to share what I have learned with others. And I hope encourages others to start a journey toward leading a healthy and fit life.

Blessing number four: That I have friends that have supported me, encouraged me, and been my cheerleaders during this journey. Some check on me by FB, some by phone and some by running and / or working out with me. I don’t know that any of them realize what this means to me, but I hope they do!!

Blessing number five:  That I have people who I now know are reading about my journey, are encouraged to get fit and are starting their own journey. Some even are working out with me to start off their journey and that is SO exciting for me!! I said (I think in my first blog) that I wanted to “pay it forward” and I meant it. It is a honor that someone actually wants to work out with me…..go figure!!!

Blessing number six: That God allowed us to move back “home” to be closer to my supportive friends and family. Being around family and friends that love and support you is amazing….don’t ever take it for granted! I feel that I am closer to my family than I have been in many years and I love it!! We have truly re-bonded over fitness!!

Thanking God for the blessings He has allowed in my life!!

I challenge everyone that reads this to take time this week to step back and count your blessings… it really does put a different spin on things!!

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