Non-Runner to Athlete!
Making the Decision….
(part 3 of ??)
This article may be a little out of sequence, in appearance, but I have had several requests lately for information about how to start a running / training program to go from running 5k’s to doing half and full marathons. So I decided to compile the information I have sent to others and put it all in my blog…so here it is!!
When you make the decision to go from running shorter distances, to doing longer runs, you must first determine whether you want to do longer runs with a specific time goal (speed running) or if your goal is to just complete the run. My goal was to finish in under 7 hours (the maximum time allowed for the full marathon) and to not be last!!
The reason it is important to determine your purpose / goal, is that if you are looking to finish at a specific speed, your training will be more focused on improving your speed as well as endurance. If you are doing your first long run, just to say you completed it, and are not stuck on a “speed” , then your training will be more focused on endurance, with a little speed training mixed into the weekly routine.
The reason it is important to determine your purpose / goal, is that if you are looking to finish at a specific speed, your training will be more focused on improving your speed as well as endurance. If you are doing your first long run, just to say you completed it, and are not stuck on a “speed” , then your training will be more focused on endurance, with a little speed training mixed into the weekly routine.
Once you have determined your goal or reason for completing the (either) half or full marathon, it is time to develop your running / training calendar. There are many websites out there that will help you develop a calendar, and I am happy to share the one I developed, just shoot me an email. The key is to make your calendar work for you and your family / lifestyle. If you don’t make it flexible and life friendly, then you will be less likely to stick with the program. The reason I say this is that one day a week will be devoted to your long runs. As your distance gets longer, the time requirement on that day is greater. Most people do their long runs on the weekends because it is their normal day off, but if you work some weekends, you will have to work your long run in on another day during the week. Also, as you start your long runs, you need to allow for a day of “rest” on the next day. This rest day does not mean you have to sleep all day (haha), but does mean that you do not run. You can do a light cross training workout, or a simple walk, but NO running.
This paragraph is mainly for those concerned with their speed, but has advice that could relate to all types of runners. If you are concerned about the speed at which you run, you should include a day of “speed training” or intervals into your calendar. Your short runs will also be done at a faster pace than those who are not as concerned with speed. For example, I did my “short runs” in between 30-45 minutes, but those concerned with speed should complete your short runs at 25-30 minutes or closer to your 5k race pace. REMINDER TO ALL: it is not recommended that you do your long runs at race pace unless you want to increase your potential for injury. Long runs should be used to improve your endurance and not a time to work on your speed. Whether or not you’re a “speedster” (unless you are a very experienced runner) it is important to include some walk time in your long runs. Walking, even at a fast pace, gives your stressed muscles a break and this allows for more endurance, which you really need when you start adding on mileage.
The next most important step is keeping running / training log or journal. It is the journal that will help you to track your progress throughout your training. It is important to jot down things such as, how far you ran, the time you did (even include your split times / time of each mile), and how you felt. You can also include anything that “stood out” about the run (ie., had to stop a lot because it was so hot, ran out of water, felt bad, felt great….etc..). The journal will help you to see improvements you have made, and will show you any trends in “bad days”. Yes, every runner I have met has a least on bad running day every month!! I was able to trend mine as they seemed to be the same time every month, but I could not prove it until I started keeping my journal. I actually use my running calendar as my journal so that I do not have to keep to seperate things and can see how well I was able to stick with the program and see my progress at the same time.
I hope, if you are looking at starting a training program, this helps to get you started! Remember, I am not a professional runner or writer, I am just giving you information I learned along the way that helped me in my journey and I hope it helps you in yours!! Please let me know if you have any questions or would like a copy of my calendar, and OH BY THE WAY…..I JUST SIGNED UP FOR MY NEXT MARATHON!!!! It is the Savannah Rock n Roll in November 2011!!! If you want to do a half or full marathon by the end of this year…this is gonna be a great one!!
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