Pushing through to the curve balls:
So, I have shared with you about the reason for my journey, and how things have gone so far. But, my goal for this message is to share with you exactly how I came about the journey....giving you a little more insight into what was happening sorta “behind the scenes” in hopes that someone might benefit and can start their new journey with the start of the new year.
I have said before that I have struggled with my weight, during all of my “adult” years. It has been a time of overeating, stress eating, sad eating, happy eating, and then starting some absurd “diet” usually with great success, only to gain it all PLUS back so that I can start over again. It has seemed like a never ending battle of the bulges and war with my psyche…..No “diet” ever taught me how to combat the overeating, stress eating, sad eating, or happy eating, nor did they teach me what to do when life threw me some REALLY big curve balls. Within a matter of less than 10 years, I got divorced, moved three times, changed jobs, had a couple of car accidents, had back surgery, got married, lost my sister, and almost lost my husband…..WOW…those are some more curve balls…huh? In the process, I managed to gain about 55 pounds!!!
So, when these curve balls happened, I had no clue what to do with myself….so I resorted to my old friend food, getting larger and larger all while I was trying to figure out my “issues”. Oh, I did pray a LOT and know that my comfort and ability to get through these difficulties were truly through the amazing grace of God. But I never could seem to turn my eating habits loose.
Then one day…it just clicked…I realized that although God controls my life and existence, I must be responsible for the choices I make as well as how I let these “curve balls” affect my life. I could either get moving and make the needed changes in my eating and exercise habits, or I could stay where I was and wallow in self pity caused by my weight and the curve balls. Don’t be fooled though, this choice was not a one time decision…I have to make the decision every single day and with every single meal to make the right choices and do the right things. I have to run / walk when I don’t feel like it, and eat healthier when I really want a Heath bar blizzard. And when I don’t make the right choice every time, I have had to learn to forgive myself of that choice, and then move past it and not let that decision rule the rest of my day or the rest of my choices! I move forward from that decision, learn from it, knowing that there will be other times when I don’t make the right or the best decision. The difference is that now, I instead of having daily pity parties, I am able to enjoy my life and know that when the curve balls do come….I am better equipped to handle them!!
To anyone reading this who is or has been struggling with the same issues, I say: keep the faith and stop beating yourself up. Get out of the mire shake off what is pulling you down and start doing something that you like or that makes you happy!! Make the decision to dust yourself off each and every time you fall and then keep on going.
It is not the curve balls that define your life…it is how you handle them!!
May God bless everyone in the year 2011!!