Sunday, December 26, 2010

August 10, 2010

So you ask...why is the title of this post August 10, 2010? is because that is the date that this part of my journey / adventure began, and  is quickly coming to fruition!! It is hard to believe that 4 months and 16 days ago I hit the send button on the registration form for both the Silver Comet Half Marathon, and the Disney Full Marathon!!
How did I feel then (you ask)? Nervous, fearful, and wondering if I could use the "buyers remorse" excuse to get my money back! Wondering how I got to the point in my life where I would even consider such a crazy notion.
How do I feel now (you ask)? Well, 4 months and 16 days into it...I feel Nervous, fearful, know that I can not use the "buyers remorse" excuse any longer....but NOW, I also feel "ready". Ready to conquer the finish line after running 26.2 miles through the amazing world of Disney!! Ready, no matter what, to leave my room at 3a.m. to be at the starting corral in time to hit the ground running and do what I have been training to do AND try to have fun at the same time!!
It is amazing when I look back over the last 4+ months, at the progress my body has made. Specifically, I remember doing my first 10 mile run, with Frank riding on his bike and cheering and coaching me the entire way. At mile 1-3 I had my usual, "I hate running" speech going through my head. Then at miles 3-6 I thought, this is a breeze. I think I even told Frank " this is easy peasy!!" haha.. Mile 7 got tough, both mentally and physically, THEN at miles 8-10 I was in pure misery and pain and we miscalculated the mileage and had another mile that I almost literally crawled through to the truck. Self doubt abounded!!!
Last week I did my 20 mile long run, and it was amazing that during the first 3 miles I did my usual "I hate running routine", then breezed through the next 12 miles and did not hit that misery mode until about mile 17!! Now,  I call that progress :0) ! Miles 18-20 were tough, but it was during those miles that I thought about how far I had come in just 4 short months and was very proud of even making those last 2-3 miles in the upright position. In only 4 short months I had gone from running 2-3 times a week for 1-3 miles running short runs, long runs, sprints / speed drills 4-5 days a week and doing cross training on the other 3-4 days. I have proven to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to...Not just things that come easy to me, but things that I have to work at in order to be successful. With goal setting, and a plan, and perserverance, I CAN do what ever I set out to do!!!

With only t-minus 14 days until the big day, I want to take the time to say thanks to all of my cheerleaders / supporters, motivators!!
Frank- my husband, my coach, my supporter, my cheerleader and "endorser" (haha), I love you and could NOT do this without you!!
Michael and Paula- my friends, my encouragers, and my running buddies, my fellow "atheletes"!!! You don't know how much your encouragement and support has meant to me!! PJ, we will ROCK this marathon!!
All of my FB friends / family and Blog  readers (to many to name) who have kept me grounded and endured the many posts about runs, injuries, frustrations, and successes...your support and words of encouragement have meant more than  you will know!!
To my Bro and Shell-Shell: Thanks for getting me started in the world of running and for encouraging me to do more!! LOVE YOU BOTH!!
To my parents, although you might not understand the whole running thing....your unconditional love and support encourages me to keep on keeping on!!
Diana, can't tell you what it meant for you to be at my first half- marathon!! Thanks for always supporting me and cheering me on!!
To the Ketchum's thanks for all your words of encouragement and support!! I am blessed to have such great "in-laws"!!
Donna, my newest friend, massage therapist, and trainer....What would I have done if God had not placed you in my life at the most perfect time!! What a joy it has been to get to know you and to learn from a true athelete!!!
If I did not mention your name, do not think that your support has gone un-noticed...but if I named everyone, who has supported and encouraged me, this blog would probably exceed that maximum word allowance! (haha).

Seriously, thanks to everyone for making this an amazing journey!! But, don't think this is my last there are more bumps in the road stories to tell, and we still have tales of the Marathon to come!! WOOHOO!!

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