Monday, November 15, 2010

Why the journey?

I am very new to the world of blogging, but thanks to the gentle push of an old friend, here I am....blogging about my journey. My hope is to not bore you all, but to inspire someone that needs inspiring to set and/or meet a goal. Although my journey has been about weightloss and fitness, yours might be something totally not related, but it is all about learning how to set goals, over come obstacles, make adjustments, and celebrate your successes.

I feel the strong need to "pay it forward" since so many have supported and encouraged me through this journey, I want to inspire others to be successful in their specific journey. we go!!! My first few messages (after this one) will be a brief step back in time by a few years....I feel you need to hear about the old, to appreciate the new. I promise to keep it brief, but feel the foundation from where I started is an important part of the journey.

I also hope that you all will share your comments, ideas, celebrations, and obstacles. So that we can all learn from and support each other in our journey.

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