Thursday, May 19, 2011


Inspiration......In looking up the definition for inspiration I found the following synonyms: encouragement, enthusiasm, motivation, and I thought about how those are all the things that I wanted to do for others when I started this blog about my journey.
When I began this journey, almost 2 years intention was totally selfish. I wanted to lose weight and become a more healthy person for ME. BUT, as I started on my journey, there were a few people that encouraged and motivated me along the way and it is through the encouragement that my focus changed. Although, it is MY is NOT about is truly about INSPIRING (encouraging, and enthusiastically motivating) others to become both healthy AND happy. It is not about being "high-school skinny" or about wearing a size IS about getting to a point within yourself that you FEEL healthy and you are happy with who you your own skin! It is about being able to look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see and the progresses you have made. THAT, my friends, is not size specific!!
I have been so blessed lately with stories of friends who have started their own journey's and thank God for using me to encourage and enthusiastically motivate others. Now the same people who tell me that sharing my journey has inspired them....have become inspirations to me!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This posting will be brief, but I think it is very important!
Whether you have been on a fitness / weightloss journey for a while or are just starting out, I think there are a few things that are essential to remember:

1. If you want consistent and permanent changes, you must committ to a lifestyle change and not just a "quick fix" solution. BELIEVE me when I say that, YES, you can do a quick fix diet and lose weight very quickly, but if you don't make the necessary lifestyle changes, you will (just as quickly) go back to your previous weight, or worse....heavier!! IT IS NOT EASY, but change never is...but it is so worth it in the end!!

2. You must make the choice everyday to commit to those changes AND recognize that if you "mess up" for a meal or a snack or even an entire day, you just move on passed it and recommit to make better choices for the rest of the day / week / month...etc. Don't beat yourself up for "mess ups", accept them and move forward! It is equally important that you allow yourself to have a "splurge" if you need to...if you don't, you will probably eat everything in your cabinets (plus what ever you can get your hands on) until you finally eat what you are craving. The key in splurging it to limit the amount and frequency of your splurge.

3.  Exercise alone will not usually get you to your goal! Sure, it helps and will certainly improve your fitness level, but if you continue to make unhealthy food choices, you are going to have a difficult (if not impossible) time losing weight. There has to be a balance between the calories  / fat you burn and the calories / fat you consume.

4.  Making yourself accountable to someone (friend, family, facebook.....etc) will help you to stay on track AND will encourage you to stay focused. The more you surround yourself with supportive people, or those that depend on you to help them through the process, the more you will be encouraged to keep on keeping on!!